About The Box Lunch

How It Works

It’s really simple.

Make a few selections in our online menu. Select one of our affiliate partner locations OR choose home delivery (for a small delivery fee). Orders must be in by 8pm on Friday. Your order will be available on Sunday if you or the partner location you choose is in Delaware and available on the following Monday if you or our partner location is in Maryland or Pennsylvania. See, it’s a piece of cake. (Sorry, we don’t do cake!)

We guarantee that the Box Lunch meals will be fresh and you will be able to eat like a fitness pro for the rest of the week! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us directly. We are always available to talk.


We support a health lifestyle for the on-the-go person. Our primary goal is to make it easy and convenient to eat well for a small amount of money. The Box Lunch meals are satisfying, fresh, and most of all, delicious. It is important to understand that a healthy lifestyle starts at home and in the kitchen. No matter what your level of physical activity, optimum results are achieved when you supply your body with food that is “clean” and minimally processed. The combination of high quality ingredients, matched with a generous portion size, will help take the burden out of meal prep for our clients.


Chef & Owner
“I am a self taught Chef that has worked my way up through various kitchens and have always had an interest in cooking for people. Taking fresh ingredients and adding my own flair to bring out the best flavors in each dish has always been my goal.  I work hard to find the best ingredients to serve to every person. After having 3 children, my wife and I decided to change our lifestyle and our eating habits.  Our life now revolves around fitness, family and fueling our bodies with the highest quality foods possible.  My passion is clean eating and making simple, yet delicious meals that sustain their active lifestyles.  The Box Lunch has been created to make this lifestyle easier to achieve.  We know how busy life can be sometimes.  We are here to help.”


We started a partnership with our friends here to supply hard working health and fitness enthusiasts with a great supplement to their workouts and healthy lifestyle goals. We anticipate growth and expansion into other local gyms and fitness facilities are are looking forward to building long-lasting relationships with our retailers.